Long Distance Wireless Photography - Georges Mlis - Black and White - Silent Film - 1908

9 months ago

Long Distance Wireless Photography - Georges Mlis - Black and White - Silent Film - 1908 - Film converted into Digital Format by http://linktr.ee/TheBeltwayBandits

In a glass-roofed workshop, an inventor is surrounded by mechanical devices for a complicated machine. The inventor's servants show in a respectably dressed lady and gentleman; the inventor welcomes them in and begins to demonstrate his invention to them. Setting the machine in motion, he unrolls a large screen and places a small image of the Three Graces on a chair; thanks to the machine, the Graces are projected at life-size on the screen, and they briefly come to life before disappearing. Next, the inventor and his staff give a further demonstration, with a model in Grecian garb being projected. As before, the projected image takes on its own life, waving to the gentleman visitor.

The visitors indicate that they are ready to be photographed by the wireless process, and the lady takes a seat in front of the photographic apparatus. Her head appears in close up, projected on the screen; the projected head makes grotesque faces, including a mostly toothless grin and a fierce scowl. The lady faints from shock and has to be revived with smelling salts. The inventor, proffering apologies, ushers the gentleman client to the seat, but he fares even worse: his projected portrait shows him as a hairy, monkey-like creature, gibbering maniacally. In a rage, the gentleman runs around the room, trying to destroy the machine, but touching one of the devices gives him an electrical shock that makes his hair stand on end. He rushes to his lady companion, whose outer garments are torn apart when she stands too near another device, leaving her in her chemise and petticoats. The two clients leave the studio in a rage, while the inventor and his servants laugh uproariously.

Directed by Georges Méliès
Starring Georges Méliès
Fernande Albany
Production company
Star Film Company
Release date
Running time 115 meters
Country France
Language Silent

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