Wimpy Corgi Freaks At Pillow Look-Alike

7 years ago

These owners bought a pillow with a Corgi image on it for their puppy named Panda thinking it will make her feel more comfortable to see the reflection of another puppy and enjoy the company of a similar-looking face.

Instead, Panda's immediate reaction is hilarious as she runs head over hills in the opposite direction the moment she sees the pillow's front.

Panda is playing with its owner and is very surprised when the owner flips a pillow case to shows a real hideous face. The little dog seems to be freaking out every time the owner turns the pillow front.

Right after Panda sees the image of Corgi printed on the pillow staring at her, she immediately stops playing and starts running in the opposite direction, as far from the pillow case as possible. What a courageous little pup, isn't she?

Maybe she is jealous, because after the several attempts her owner tries to get her attention with this pillow, she starts to stare from a distance and then starts barking at it. She must be trying to say 'this is my territory you ugly-looking puppy, so, shoo, go away, I don't want you here hanging in my house".

She is just crying for attention, poor Panda.

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