Standing Up For What is Right

1 year ago

The Cost of Standing Up for What Is Right

Generally, history attempts to valorize those who stood up for values that we now consider humanitarian and worthy of admiration. Thanks to hindsight, key figures or moments can be seen as pivotal and influential — clarion calls to do the right thing.
But in the process of designating those figures as retrospective heroes, we may inadvertently either minimize or overidealize the suffering and sacrifices some of them went through to stand up for truth and justice. Some of these heroes endured major negative consequences for their bold soothsaying, including torture or death, both literal and figurative.
It begs the question: Was there something the rest of us could have done, either on an individual or a societal level, to listen or support these individuals before their ultimate sacrifices?

Do Not Comply: The America you grew up in is no longer here

The America you grew up in is no longer here. Our country is in sharp decline yet we often fail to truly call out the culprits responsible for it. Who are the corrupters of our great country? They are politicians (both Democrat and Republican), they are businessmen, they are celebrities, they are media executives, they are scientists. They are the elite. And they are selfish.

‘We Will Not Comply,’ Trump Says of COVID-19 Lockdowns, Mandates

Watch the video, or read the lightly edited transcript:

COVID Tyrants want to take away our Freedom.

Hear my words— WE WILL NOT
— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) August 30, 2023

The left-wing lunatics are trying very hard to bring back COVID lockdowns and mandates with all of their sudden fearmongering about the new variants that are coming. Gee whiz. You know what else is coming? An election.

Why are People so Obedient? – Compliance and Tyranny

“And the word “courage” should be reserved to characterize the man or woman who leaves the infantile sanctuary of the mass mind.”

Sam Keen, Fire in the Belly

In the privacy of our minds many of us disagree with the ideologies, political agendas, and government mandates of our day, yet in public we comply. We do what we are told, say what is politically correct, and justify our hypocrisy by telling ourselves that we are powerless to change society, and so we might as well blend in with the crowd. In this video, we explain why publicly conforming to what we privately disagree with makes us complicit in tyranny, and why each of us has far more power to influence society than we have been led to believe.

Resisting Tyranny Depends on the Courage to Not Conform

Social psychologist Roy Baumeister begins his book Evil: Inside Human Violence and Cruelty, with a proposition that will be counterintuitive to many: “Evil usually enters the world unrecognized by the people who open the door and let it in. Most people who perpetrate evil do not see what they are doing as evil.”

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