Goodbye Prada - The End of Charlie and Prada's Saga

7 years ago

We adopted Prada when he was just 5 weeks old. Hard to believe how fast time has gone by. When he was almost 2, we bought him a pet kitten he named Charlie. Prada earned his wings on September 24, 2016. He had osteoporosis of the spine and was on medication for the past 10 months. He was always a goofy dog who never grew up. He was playful and loving his whole life through. On his last day with us, he ate his first Big Mac and fries. We were with him from the beginning right through to the end. Our tears fell, our hearts ached but we knew it was time to say goodbye. Charlie slept on the top blanket of Prada's bed. He missed him as we all do. We love you, Prads. Run free until we can be together again. Your older brother is waiting for you. :'( xxx

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