9 months ago

Dan CRASHLEY - People in general and even people within the truth community don't want to listen to the anarchist message because they don't want to accept what is being spoken about in this clip

I know for a fact that this platform is interfering with our network and unfriending people on our lists but there are still some that do it themselves or even block me without ever having a conversation in order to gain comprehension

Wanting to hear only what you want to hear, seeing only what you want to see, that is the illusionary foundation of democratic nations and the product of our "authority" worshipping indoctrination

Millions protested the invasion of Iraq in 2003, it went ahead anyway. If you truly believed that it was ever going to make a difference, you don't understand the game that you're playing. At the very least, you don't think you have any other type of action to engage in

Petitioning and protesting is the acceptance of subjugation. If people really opposed evil, they wouldn't go along with western "civilization" at all and would call it out for what is truly is...

But that doesn't happen and people wonder why we have a mental health epidemic and clown world mass hysteria. Continuing to keep lying to yourselves and feeding into societal delusions is doing nothing but fueling the problem

All this incessant obsession about the ruling class and it's pysops, you do realise that this is the result of what resides inside the minds of the people?

You can blame those in power all you want, the external world you live in is a direct correlation with our collective inner worlds and the illusions we are clamoring onto in our minds...

You might not like what I'm saying but what is the intent of the message...?

You have the power to change anything, you always did but you accepted your role of the sacrificial victim at the hands of evil because from birth you have been taught to believe that you are a powerless subject and that this system is the best that we can do...

What belief could be more absurd...?

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