Comparing Celestron C90 Maksutov Against Skywatcher Evostar 90 Refractor Telescope

1 year ago

In making this video I have used these optical instruments :
Celestron C90 Maksutov telescope.
Skywatcher Evostar 90 Achromatic Refractor telescope.
Unbranded Chinese 30mm Plössl eyepiece.
Seben 2X Barlow lens.
Vixen SLV 5mm 52 degrees eyepiece.
Skywatcher Nirvana 7mm and 16mm 82 Degrees eyepieces.
Takahashi EMC LE 7.5mm and 18mm eyepieces.
BST Starguider ED 8mm and 12mm eyepieces.
SVBony Aspheric 23mm and 10 mm eyepieces.
SkyTee-2 Alt Azimuth mount.
Pop up privacy tent for shield against light pollution.
Skywatcher observing chair.
Huawei P30 Pro mobile phone camera.

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