This is the KEY to success in the new era

11 months ago

This is the 🔑 to future success

As the world gains access to the internet, the rules of money and business will change forever.

I dont think itll be a great vehicle to rely solely on brick and mortar or local businesses.

Ideally, the most success will go to people that have 2 things.

1️⃣ Time Detached Income

It has become too difficult to make a great income from a standard job.

Wages dont increase at the rate of inflation so staying in a standard job means you’re actually losing money.

Ideally, you need to find ways to make money consistently and de-link it from the typical hours in, hours out formula.

2️⃣ Geographic Agnosticism

Not being able to make money in multiple locations makes you vulnerable.

The internet allows high quality businesses to compete EVERYWHERE.

Think about Amazon.

How many small, local businesses have they put out of business because they can compete in every state for a cheaper price with faster results?

Also, geographic agnosticism prevents you from being stuck due to external influences (politics, local recession, etc) and gives you freedom of choice.

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