From a fellow Anon.. | Check Description

8 months ago

Holy Smokes Batman…

Forensic Accounting Linda Miller - HALF of Pandemic Relief Funds Ended up in CHINA & Other Adversarial Nations

During a House Oversight Subcommittee, founder and CEO of Audient Group Linda Miller, the former deputy executive director of the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee in the Department of Justice, disclosed half of U.S. pandemic unemployment assistance fraud went to adversarial nations, like China.

This came after a recent federal prosecution of a group of Chinese state-linked hackers who stole an estimated $20 million in relief funds.

“Data on this is still being evaluated, but there are some estimates that half of the Pandemic unemployment assistance fraud went to adversarial nations.”

There was nearly $5 trillion in gov. relief spending during the Plandemic… and China & Other Adversarial nations ended up with a large chunk of our tax dollars. Unbelievable!

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