Trent on the Loos-10.23.2023

8 months ago

In this compelling episode, Trent Loos, a steadfast advocate for truth and common sense in a time of political division, welcomes a special guest who shares these values, J.C. Cole of American Heritage Farms. Known for his unwavering patriotism and deep-rooted belief in America’s foundational principles, Cole joins Loos for an eye-opening discussion that no concerned citizen should miss.

As turbulence continues to rock the Middle East, the duo delves into the intricate web of these overseas conflicts and America's role amidst this chaos. They shed light on how the United States, teetering on the edge of its own financial crisis, finds itself entangled in global affairs that ripple back onto its own shores. The conversation takes a hard look at the harsh realities and potential dangers that lie ahead if the country remains on this treacherous path.


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