Reduce Food Cost by Digging Potatoes

8 months ago

The potatoes went into the ground before the channel began, and they should be ready to dig. Our potato growing to date has been in buckets or small grow bags. This year was the first time we could make enough room to plant a good size bed.

As I started planting, I made one decision that may dramatically impact our yield. I decided to shove in as many rows as possible, so they are only about 8 inches apart. The plan had been to get back into the bed and mound them up before covering them with a straw mulch. Then we got busy with the rest of the garden, the remodeling project, and tree cutting. When we returned to the potatoes, the plants were large and thick, and there was no way to get into the bed to tend the rows. The plant cover was so thick we did not worry about sunburned potatoes.

We had no plan for the expected yield and made last-minute decisions about varieties to plant. The first few rows we planted have grown as long as possible, and the time is right for digging. Our yield is pretty light on these two rows, which may result from the heavy activity of the Colorado Potato Beetles. These potatoes are like gold because their store cost keeps increasing.

Bama Country - Country by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



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