Is This Life Hell ???

8 months ago

Between Universalism, New Age Thought, and Progressive Christianity there is a teaching that has crept inside churches today of a Good and Caring, Graceful and Merciful God will not send people to a place called Hell... So therefore Hell does not exist except only in this present life we are living...

To begin with God, our Heavenly Father, is exactly all of these things... Good, Caring, full of Grace and Mercy... So much in fact that He has sent His One ans only Son to make the way for us to enter into His Holy Kingdom of Heaven and escape the bondage's of sin which would indeed bring us to a life destined to a place called Hell... It is a lie and deception to believe that God would send us to Hell as scriptures clearly state that it our own self and actions are what is sending us to Hell...

In this message, I go through scriptures in the Gospels of Jesus where He clearly states the very existence of Hell... Hell is and will be an eternal place reserved for Satan, his demonic hordes and all of those who do not accept Jesus the Christ as the one and only Holy Son of God... Hell is the destiny for those who are joined with the Kingdoms of this World and Darkness instead of accepting the Gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ and becoming Born Again in Spirit and becoming citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven...

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