Moonrise Kingdom (2012) Directed by Wes Anderson #comedy #wesanderson #masterpiece

1 year ago

“Jiminy cricket, he flew the coop!”.

I adore this film and it took me a little longer than usual to compose myself back into a normal, rational human being before I could leave the cinema the first time I saw this classic film. What? I had something in my eye! Anyway, here’s the beautifully operatic opening 5 minutes of the film with as much justice as I can possibly muster:

The opening credits commence with a loud clap of thunder and the camera settles on a painted picture of a red coloured house before the camera begins one of many majestic sweeps around the house. Firstly it sweeps to the right and to the top of a flight of stairs where a young boy is ascending the said stairs and walks past a small model of what appears to be the same red coloured house. The moving camera continues to sweep into the next room whereby the same young boy now enters that room and opens a record player and sits cross legged in front of the player and pushes the needle onto the record. It’s initially spoken word but will soon become “The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra Op:34” by Benjamin Britten. A sharp camera move to the right follows and we see another young boy standing with his hands on his hips before another young boy peers out from behind the bedroom door.

The above opening paragraphs are taken from my original article written many years ago and penned and published to my Medium blog site on 21st November 2021 and this spoiler free review can also be found in full within Volume 3 of my "essential film reviews collection". Each volume is priced at £4.99 however, should you have an Amazon Kindle "Unlimited" package you can read each and every volume for free:

Volume 3

All 7 Volumes

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