How to Pull Off the Office Bathroom Prank

8 months ago

How to Pull Off the Office Bathroom Prank

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Make sure you use the facilities before you put this office bathroom trick into hilarious effect.

Step 1: Get some slacks
Get one pair of slacks and one pair of shoes for every stall in your office bathroom.

You can raid your own closet, or stock up on inexpensive slacks and shoes at a local second-hand clothing store.

Step 2: Stuff them
Stuff each pair of slacks, from the knee down, with old newspaper. Don’t overstuff the pants, or they won’t look like ‘believable’ legs.

Step 3: Position them
Position a pair of shoes in each stall.

Step 4: Set up
Position a pair of stuffed pants atop each pair of shoes. Arrange the top of the pants to fall just right – so it looks like someone is sitting on the toilet with his pants down.

Step 5: Lock
Lock each stall door from the inside.

Step 6: Start a rumor
Start a rumor that there’s a stomach bug going around the office that is keeping people on the john.

Step 7: Enjoy
Enjoy the chaos that ensues as increasingly desperate people try to figure out who is hogging the bathroom.

Did You Know?
If you tie a wet piece of paper towel over an automatic faucet sensor, the water will run freely for you.

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