Is Mexico's 180-day Tourist Visa DEAD?! PROBLEM SOLVED!

3 years ago

If you're worried about getting Mexico's 180-day tourist visa because you've heard that it's dead or that there are problems with it, I've got a handful of solutions that should calm your fears related to traveling to Mexico. Yes, people have been detained in and deported from Mexico due to expired tourist visas. But, this is quite rare. Most of the immigration crisis in Mexico is related to refugees and asylum seekers coming into Mexico in huge numbers. With so many people fleeing Haiti and Central America, the USA is putting pressure on Mexico to step up their immigration enforcement before migrants reach the Mexican-American border. Sure, some tourists are getting caught up in the mess and facing problems. There are getting fewer than 180 days on their Mexican visa, they're not being allowed to renew their tourist visa as a border-hopper, and some people are being stopped regularly and asked for papers. But, as for everything bureaucratic in Mexico, the only standard is the lack of standards across the country. Some places are more heavily enforced by immigration officials than other, and some immigration checkpoints will be more harsh than others. This is what it's like living in Mexico on a tourist visa. But, there are some options for you now. There are mulitple immigration programs, including the new regularization program that lets people on expired tourist visas change their status to a temporary residency of Mexico.

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