Ultralight Creek Fishing with My Own Custom Color from Creek Life Lures!

1 year ago

Let's load up the ultralight rod and reel and see if this custom color surprise can find any fish! What an honor and a blessing to be able to say I have my own custom color baits out there! A huge thank you to @CreekLifeLureCo for this.

Continue to learn, continue to grow and I hope to see you on the reel, REAL soon.

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On the Real Fishing
PO Box 509
Hermitage, TN 37076

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-- KastKing Zephyr Spinning Reel - https://amzn.to/3SGC6Ip (Paid Link)
-- KastKing Zephyr Spin Fishing Rods - https://amzn.to/3Tq0hfi (Paid Link)
-- KastKing Bait Boss Fishing Tackle Backpack - https://amzn.to/3FG5tYn (Paid Link)
-- Frogg Toggs Waders - https://amzn.to/3H2buhd (Paid Link)
-- American Freshwater Fish Scratch Off Poster - https://amzn.to/3khdhqR (Paid Link)

- Promo Codes: -
-- Creek Life Lure Company - ONTHEREAL20 - 20% off
-- Hendrix Fishing Company - ONTHEREALFISHING10 - 10% off
-- Ramble Tamble Tackle - ONTHEREALFISHIN - 10% off
-- Dangle Lures - OTR15 - 15% off

- Affiliate Links - Find Great Products and Support the Channel -
-- Ramble Tamble Tackle Company - https://rttackle.com/?ref=OntheRealFishing
-- Amazon - https://amzn.to/3mOoBvM (Paid Link)

- Product Sites -
-- Creek Life Lure Company - https://creeklifelureco.com/
-- Hendrix Fishing Company - https://www.hendrixfishing.com/
-- Dangle Lures - https://danglelures.com/

- Contact Email -
-- OntheRealFishing@gmail.com

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