Working on a New Song (Slave) #shorts

8 months ago

I improvised this song "Slave" one Sunday, when I just picked up the guitar, and all the music came out of me. I did not have the lyrics right away, but came up with that one phrase "What kills the flesh, makes me stronger - I will be a slave no longer". I was just coming out of a 5 day fast, so it might have been inspired by that experience.
By now I have all the music written and organized and lyrics done for the chorus. I am already thinking that this song will probably fit really well on a sequel album for "Sin" - but gotta finish Sin first, where I have 5 more songs to record, produce and release.
#AcousticGuitar #TaylorGSMini #Singing #NewSong #Slave #WaterFallBand #WFMusic #WFBand

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