Deepest Hole Ever Dug - Flat Earth

11 months ago

You will never have your mind blown harder than coming to the awareness of flat earth when you have being living 7500 years of generational lies on every level of life innerstanding you can fathom. Welcome to #FlatEarthFightClub

The tricks are over. NASA fake. 🤣 CERN fake too. Nukes are fake. They exist to conjure evil but what they project is illusion. Even a fake alien invasion. Fake birth certificate banking bonds. Fake currencies. Fake GMO foods. Fake news. Fake ball earth. Fake religions. Fake languages in courts. We see past the illusions now.

Please contact me on Tik-Tok. My account is FlatEarthFightClub.

I'd like to have you as a friend on this account. I share the content from this Tik-Tok everywhere on public posts, to space agencies, churches, government sectors, and every where I go for the matter. I download and spam these videos from this tiktok account everywhere I can... Will you do it with me? See you there if so. They shadow ban my videos, so I need help sharing them. ♡

We have the website set up too.

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