War Is A Racket, Israel, Biden's Chin, E-Girls, Trans Fencing & Rats, Release the Bears, & Pep Talk

8 months ago

This is part III of the war is a racket series with Israel over Gaza and WWIII. It's very obvious of the lies that continue to be exposed. Remember who the enemy is? It's not just Israel, with their symbolism of the star of Remphan and Zionism. This ongoing war is between good vs evil. Also, why give your consent to these evil doers and their minions? Stop participating in their bankers wars and agendas. Who benefits?
Please beware of what is being presented from the fakestream media to what's really going on not only in Israel, but elsewhere as well. Who benefits not only from War, but from the other agendas as well? Follow the $$ and the associations thereof. Just so you know anything that promotes control, depopulation, and separation from God are promoted to the nth degree. Evil is not only isolated to just one group. As the evil doers try to bring about the end times in our current timeline. Don't forget each of us are our own worst enemy. This war is not only in the physical, but in the spiritual as well for our souls. Just FYI, the evil doers and their minions will lose because God is the true creator and author. Let's do what we can to expose these evil doers so they have no power over us. Besides, what can be done to remove these evil psychopaths permantely? I for one prefer dangerous freedoms over peaceful slavery, do you? Because without trust and loyalty there is no meaning. Have no fear, praise Jesus Christ and armor up!

Also, there is are various pep talks of what's going on with my Mom and I, to how I'm not getting any support whatsoever. And why I believe the Energy Enhancement Systems (EES) https://eesystem.com/ could really help my Mom with her unstable brain aneurysm, her anxiety, diabetes, mojo, and her mobility. Why EES really needs to lower their prices as they won't work with you the consumer. While another firm called Rebuilder Medical Inc. https://www.rebuildermedical.com/ will work with you as they do have wonderful customer service and with a five year warranty and a 90-day money back guarantee. You'll see why as I just had the Rebuilder sent to them because a wire broke while I was replacing the 9V battery and I show you how this device works. Again, EES don't have any money-back guarantee, nor will they state their one year warranty on their website. Nor would they lower their prices at their centers that are currently priced at $60 per hour per person, it's insane.

As I stated in the video when it came to the E-Girls trying to recruit men into the military do you believe that I should inflitrate E-Girls and expose their psychological operations? Also, I did a shout out to the dudes who think that I am hot as I will say thank you.

Bottom line, I am between a rock and a hard place. Despite doing what I can with the time that I have, including show and tell, as I don't feel that I am getting any support as that gets me down along with my female mojo. Just so you know we human species that has to pay to be here. At this point, I don't know what else to do since next to no one really cares despite asking for help. I can't please everyone, but this is very frustrating and I've had enough. If you won't support me, then why should I continue?
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Not a joke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ycz2Xi1Srvk
Old Joe needs a secretary of lies to keep track of Joey's lies.
Don't forget Joe was born in Israel he said so?
What is true is that he is a Zionist.

Biden: 'You need not be a Jew to be Zionist' https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20220714-biden-you-need-not-be-a-jew-to-be-zionist/

"Stew Peters tells Alex Jones that Israel is currently involved in an "ethnic cleansing" campaign and that they are engaged in "the U.S. Taxpayer sponsored murder of children."
"I don't care what your ideologies are...there's a brand new religion...and that religion is Zionism."
He says, "there is a big difference between being an antisemitic person and an antizionist.  And I'm 100% antizionist."  
He tells Jones, "Zionism is Jewish Supremacy.  So, you have a Jewish supremacist genocide, an open air murder of children, sponsored by the U.S. taxpayers, carried out by the military industrial complex." Do you agree with Stew Peter's assessment?"

WHAT EXACTLY is ANTI-SEMITISM? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPzCKqgXz1s
I heard Ron DeSanchos say that the Palestinians were antisemitic. Talk about embarrassment.

Here’s every hospital Israel has bombed in the last decade: https://twitter.com/BTnewsroom/status/1715487116845601024

Jewish objectives as outlined in Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion: https://www.simpletoremember.com/articles/a/protocols-of-the-elders-of-zion/
Star of Remphan https://search.brave.com/search?q=star+of+remphan&source=desktopWhat is the star of Remphan mentioned in Acts 7:43? https://www.gotquestions.org/star-of-Rephan.htmlExpose The Enemy https://www.exposetheenemy.com/

Universal Theocratic Law for Non-Jews (620 commandments) from the Hasidic University https://www.hasidicuniversity.org/index.php?page=hu_theocracy/th_toc.htm

Real Raw News https://realrawnews.com/
RealRawNews is in fact a satire site and controlled opposition who are connected to the Rockefellers.
As RRN is owned from the Daily Caller to Meta to the Rockefellers. Follow the $$ and associations thereof.
Where I found this info: Benjamin Fulford — September 11th 2023: Desperate KM try to seduce Bharat with ethnic Indian UK Prime Minister, US President https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2023/09/benjamin-fulford-september-11th-2023-desperate-km-try-to-seduce-bharat-with-ethnic-indian-uk-prime-minister-us-president/
I did cover this weeks ago. https://rumble.com/v3jq4wj-latest-headlines-both-crazy-and-sane-un-laundering-and-economic-collapse-ac.html
Opinion: US Is So Desperate For Recruits Army Resorts To Using E-Girls For Enlistment. Why I Will Not Join The Military https://winepressnews.com/2023/10/21/opinion-us-is-so-desperate-for-recruits-army-resorts-to-using-e-girls-for-recruitment-why-i-will-not-join-the-military/

Guns for Hire: America’s Crisis State Goes Global https://www.rutherford.org/publications_resources/john_whiteheads_commentary/americas_crisis_state_goes_global

"WTF!!??!  They stole another $2.2 TRILLION from us in the last four months? Can we bring back the gallows now?"

"The time is coming when all the good men out there are going to have to do some bad things to some VERY BAD PEOPLE.
All this deficit spending has one goal - to demolish our entire economic system and hand total control over to the CBDC surveillance system.
Don't let it happen!" https://twitter.com/HighImpactFlix/status/1715850103385199056

Poll Finds Lackluster Desire To Arm, Supply Israel - Even Among GOP https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/poll-finds-lackluster-desire-arm-supply-israel-even-among-gop

Biden’s age and infirmity on full display during visit to Israel after Hamas attack

Orc Resistance Fighters Bravely March To Decolonize Helm's Deep https://babylonbee.com/news/orc-resistance-fighters-arrive-at-minas-tirith-to-decolonize-Rohan

What Is Wrong With Joe Biden’s Chin And What In The Hell Is He Talking About https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvQAGoJ2Xtc
Biden's clones are out real fast, must be the clone malfunction, dementia, or both?

Paid To Lie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CdoXRyQTlo
The ball sack chin under fake Biden/Brandon's chin is too much!!
Ballchinian Biden!!

GOP Senators Plead with Biden Not To Release Grizzly Bears https://republicandaily.org/gop-senators-plead-with-biden-not-to-release-grizzly-bears/
Why the bears are to be released are to prevent people from travelling in nature and force people into the 15-minute cities. As the evil doers use fear for more control over you. Who benefits from this?
The bears should be released into the District of Criminals, better yet release the Honeybadgers, just saying.

Can the accuracy of this cartoon be verified?

This is How You Destroy America https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QshdXRWbB0
"Persons currently experiencing illegal immigration status" OMG!
Thanks JP Sears and Brent Pella!

Man dominates female fencing competition, defeats 14-time champion
USA Fencing allows men to compete as women. However, its policy states 'athletes will not be permitted to modify their gender during the season.' '

EXCLUSIVE: Doctor Asked For Grant To Study Trans Hormones On Rats, Admits ‘Severe Lack’ Of Research, Emails Show https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/exclusive-doctor-asked-for-grant-to-study-trans-hormones-on-rats-admits-severe-lack-of-research-emails-show/ar-AA1ifiKx?inf_contact_key=eb45fa9216d87fb75083d7a4242a90764dfbc39d7283b2cb89d5189540b69330

Martial artist punches 7-foot kangaroo that was drowning his dog https://nypost.com/2023/10/16/martial-artist-punches-7-foot-kangaroo-drowning-his-dog/

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