If You Fail To Prepare, Ewe Are Prepared To Fail. Iam An Innocent Living Man Of The Land. TRUTH 👉...

8 months ago

Michael-david. of the Tobin family:
Living Man of the Land, All Inherent
Rights Reserved.

* Notice to Agent is notice to Principal, notice to Principal is notice to Agent *
Hereby Take Notice That:
To Whomsoever These Matters May Concern, namely Mr. Jeffrey Young, Ms Gail Barnes, Ms. Vanessa de Jong, Mr. Justice Mayer & any other subordinate assigns or appointees who have been or may be handling this/these matter(s), To
Wit your Court File Numbers 1145:16931, 1145:16931-1, 1145:16931-2-C & 5701:9823-1
This communication is in regard to the Charge Instruments generated by your office against the ‘Legal Fiction’ Trust
Entity of ‘MICHAEL DAVID TOBIN’, under the attempted Constructive Trust/Fraud derivative of ‘Michael David TOBIN’, & as defined in the above cited Court File Numbers. I feel it is my duty as the Living Man, :Michael-david: Tobin: being the Primary Beneficiary of the ‘Legal Fiction’ Trust Entity of MICHAEL DAVID TOBIN, to inform all of the above named, & potentially others yet to be identified, that you are all parties to, participants in & are thusly all co-conspirators in the
process of committing multiple felonies while camouflaging such actions using fraudulent ‘Colour of Law’ procedures.
Not the least of which being multiple counts of ‘Breach of Trust’, in your actions of attempting to commit embezzlement
using fraudulent means, upon the Trust Entity of MICHAEL DAVID TOBIN, using the fraudulent/constructive derivative of
‘Michael David TOBIN’. See attached for potential penalty upon conviction of ‘Criminal Breach of Trust’.
I, Michael-david of the Tobin family, require & hereby demand that you/your office & all herein named, provide Full & Complete Disclosure of any & all evidence which you intend to use in your attempts to obtain conviction(s) charged
against the Legal Fiction/Constructive Fraud/Trust of ‘Michael David TOBIN’, a fraudulent derivative of the Cestui Que Vie Trust ‘MICHAEL DAVID TOBIN’, of which I the Living Man, Michael-david of the Tobin family, am the Primary Beneficiary
& of which ‘you’, collectively above named, are public servants thereto & have placed yourselves as Trustees thereof by your actions related to this matter & detailed in the above cited Court File Numbers.
You, Mr. Jeffrey Young, Ms. Gail Barnes, Ms Vanessa de Jong & all other subordinate assigns to Court File Numbers 1145:16931, 1145:16931-1, 1145:16931-2-C, as Public Servants & Trustees in this matter, are hereby ordered to provide such Full & Complete Disclosure forthwith, in both Electronic Format & hard/paper copies.
This Disclosure Must include, but be not limited to, all video & audio recordings pertinent to aforementioned Court File Numbers, most especially the entirety of time duration I, Michael-david of the Tobin family, was forcibly & unlawfully held against my will in RCMP
custody/detention within the Powell River RCMP Detachment holding cell facility.
This Disclosure must also include but be not limited to, All communications between Mr. Jeffrey Young, Ms. Gail Barnes, Ms. Vanessa de Jong, Mr. Justice Mayer & any/all others in relation to the previously cited Court File Numbers.
Such Full & Complete Disclosure must be sent forthwith to my address.In addition, I trust that all requisite Oaths, Bonds, Indemnity Insurance Policies etc. for all of you herein identified to lawfully Act in such roles as Public Servants/Trustees, have been duly, properly sworn & are up to date & that copies of all such requirements be provided forthwith to myself, Michael-david of the Tobin family. In the eventuality that any of 'your’ conduct, collectively or singularly, actions, failures to act, omissions or oversights, results in any kind of harm or loss whatsoever to myself, the living man Michael-david of the Tobin family, these requisite Bonds & Insurance Policies Must be Forthwith placed at my disposal for fair compensation due to the physical harm, financial loss, time loss &/or any other loss or unlawful seizure of my private property of any kind whatsoever which has already occurred & for which may occur in the future.
Any action, inaction, omission or oversight by any of the previously identified Public Servants/Trustees, which results in
any kind of loss or harm as previously described, having placed yourselves into the roles of Trustees in this/these matters & in the performance of such roles of Public Servants/Trustees, must bear full liability for such loss/harm, regardless of whether such losses were/are the result of ignorance, incompetence, negligence, malfeasance or any combination thereof should this matter require adjudication in a Court of Equity.
I trust that all parties identified herein above will Act & conduct yourselves with the utmost of ‘Good Faith’ while handling this/these matter(s) in your respective roles as both Public Servants & Trustees.
Sincerely, Michael-david.Tobin: Living Man Of The Land

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