This egg and bread recipe is so delicious I can cook it almost every day! Top recipe!

7 months ago

This egg and bread recipe is so delicious I can cook it almost every day! Top recipe!

Good day! In this video I show you how to make a delicious breakfast or dinner using oatmeal, eggs and milk! You will love the delicious taste of this bread and egg casserole! Be sure to cook such a breakfast of eggs and bread for your loved ones, and they will be satisfied!

1 baguette (may be hard)
6 eggs
salt pepper
200 g natural yoghurt or sour cream
2 small tomatoes
a bunch of spring onions
1 small onion
Krakow sausage
Bake for ~30-35 minutes at 180-190°С
Mmm... it's so delicious!
Thanks for watching

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