Crazy Fact About Ancient Egypt: They Had a Magic Pillow #shorts

6 months ago

Crazy Fact About Ancient Egypt: They Had a Magic Pillow #shorts
#crazy #history #facts #ancientegyptian #ancientegypt

In ancient Egypt, there was a magical pillow that was believed to have the power to induce prophetic dreams. This pillow was known as the "dream pillow" or the "headrest of dreams."

The dream pillow was typically made of wood, stone, or clay. It was often carved with images of gods and goddesses, or with symbols of good luck and prosperity.

To use the dream pillow, a person would simply place it under their head before going to sleep. They would then ask a specific question or make a specific request to the gods. In the morning, the person would recall their dream and interpret it for guidance.

The dream pillow was used by both common people and royalty alike. It was especially popular among priests and priestesses, who used it to communicate with the gods and to receive guidance on important matters.

There are many stories about the power of the dream pillow. One story tells of a king who was having trouble making a decision about whether or not to go to war. He used the dream pillow to ask the gods for guidance. In his dream, he saw himself victorious in the war. He took this as a sign that he should go to war, and he was ultimately victorious.

Another story tells of a priestess who was trying to heal a sick woman. She used the dream pillow to ask the gods for help. In her dream, she was given a recipe for a potion that would heal the woman. She made the potion and gave it to the woman, who was completely cured.

The dream pillow is a fascinating and mysterious artifact from ancient Egypt. It is a reminder of the importance that the ancient Egyptians placed on dreams and on communication with the gods.

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