Fake News Reporter Abby Phillip & Guests Want Liz Cheney & Ex-CIA Officer Will Hurd To Be Speaker

8 months ago

Abby brought on democrats to talk about who they think would be the best Speaker. They loved the idea of Liz Cheney being Speaker. They thought that she is a great consensus centrist Speaker. Abby also brought on a deep state RINO who used to be Donald Trump's White House Director of Strategic Communications named Alyssa Farah Griffin. Alyssa said she would love Liz Cheney to be Speaker but doesn't think she will get the votes. So she suggested ex-CIA officer RINO Will Hurd to be Speaker. LOL!

NewsNight with Abby Phillips is an obvious fake news show. Like all the other hosts on CNN, Abby only has a show on CNN because she repeats propaganda and lies for the democrat party, deep state, Biden administration, the CIA, and RINOs.

She also does NOT report on election fraud or crime by illegal aliens, foreigners, migrants, and much more. Abby only talks about what CNN, the democrat party, and their puppet masters allow.

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