Lib Dem plan to protect workers from sex harassment to become law

8 months ago

Workers are set to get more protection from sexual harassment in the workplace after MPs approved a new law. The Worker Protection Bill, introduced by Liberal Democrat MP Wera Hobhouse, puts a duty on bosses to stop harassment instead of relying on employees to report incidents.
However, the bill had been watered down after opposition in the House of Lords over concerns it could expose employers to costly lawsuits. One Tory MP said it had been "gutted". In order to get the bill through Parliament, Ms Hobhouse and the government reached a compromise with peers to scrap a section which made employers liable for harassment of their employees by third parties such as customers or suppliers. The wording of the proposed law was also changed - initially it would have required employers to take "all reasonable steps" to prevent sexual harassment, but peers struck out the word "all". Reasonable steps could include putting in place training and carrying out impartial investigations into reported harassment. The bill also means that there would be a 25% uplift to compensation for sexual harassment cases where an employer had failed to take the reasonable steps.

Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Bill

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