Rishi Sunak plots tax and stamp duty cuts to win back voters after by election drubbing

8 months ago

I said the headline Guardian when I meant to say Independent in the intro!

Rishi Sunak is considering several eye-catching tax cuts to win back Tory voters after two by-election drubbings this week. The prime minister is said to be looking at raising the threshold for the higher rate of income tax, which would lower payments for five million higher earners. And he could pledge to slash stamp duty or abolish inheritance tax in the next Conservative manifesto, in a bid to shore up support for the party. The plans emerged after Sir Keir Starmer cast himself as the heir to Sir Tony Blair after his party clinched two major by-election victories in Tory safe seats – a result that he jubilantly declared a “game-changer”. Political scientist and pollster Professor Sir John Curtice said Mr Sunak was facing a heavier defeat than Sir Tony’s 1997 landslide. Former Tory chancellor George Osborne warned that the Tories faced electoral “armageddon”.


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