THE TRHU'AH TALKS with Scalar Wave Runners, Maxim Maji-Kehl WhiteFeather and Oliwia Ezayana

1 year ago
112 | A weekly event hosted with the Scalar Wave Runners, Oliwia Ezayana, & Maxim Maji'-Kehl WhiteFeather, who work with organic plasma frequencies of the EFFI Consciousness Field, assisting other beings with conscious recalibration & realignment of personal bio-fields.

These weekly meetings are aimed for creating a safe space where you could feel supported and listened to. Everyone's voice matters and deserves to be heard out. We are here for all of you to create a supportive environment for those who would like to co-create with us or seek some assistance and guidance.

The current frequencies coming to this planet are very intense and they cause a lot of shifts in our personal bio-fields and multidimensional anatomy... It is good to know where these energies come from and how to deal with them. As we are coming closer to the November 2023 timeline split and other upcoming events, the borders separating different Event Horizons are now being dissolved and we are slowly tuning in towards experiencing a totally new reality.As this new reality is unfolding, it's a good time to take some time to reflect on ourselves and the space around us.

Our mind is an extremely powerful tool that can be used to cause amazing changes in our daily hologram.. even though we cannot affect other people's choices, it's up to US what kind of energies we welcome in our lives and what happens in the 3D world is a manifestation of the Collective Consciousness and it's way of thinking.

The TrhU'ah Talks are supposed to open your mind and allow your consciousness to RE-learn and RE-member how to harmoniously co-create with the energies of the EFFI-Source... Our Higher Self already knows how it's done, so now it's only a process of RE-minding how to do that from the level of our 3D mind... We all have the power to do it... and it becomes even more effective when we do this all together!

The event will be featuring:
✨️ shift of perception and perspective on the unfolding 3D drama
✨️ cosmic conscious guiding & reclaiming our own personal power
✨️ releasing the old programs we have been carrying since childhood
✨️ information on the scalar wave mechanics and the scalar power of manifestation
✨️ tools that will assist you with protecting and amplifying your energetic field
✨️ a Q&A for those who would like to share their perspectives on different topics
✨️ occasional live activations to amp & raise the frequencies of your personal bio-field
Join us for this weekly event to discover the TrhU'th hiding behind the veils of different agendas and to get the necessary tools to protect your energetic field and raise your consciousness during these incredible times we live in. Everyone who is open for receiving the organic energies of the EFFI and co-creating along with us towards establishing a peaceful and safe space is most welcomed!

We are looking forward to co-creating with all of you


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