We Will Let You Decide Whether This Is A Statue Or A Live Cat

6 years ago

We can’t be certain whether this is some sort of a mannequin challenge or if this feline is simply deep in thought, but Juno the Angry Cat looks like she is frozen in time and space!

Sitting on the edge of what looks like a shelf of some sort, the camera pans over a gorgeous charcoal-and-white fur, fluffy and curly for days. Chest and shoulders back, front paws placed next to each other, ears up and narrow pupils; this cat looks like she is scanning for something!

We get a close up of Juno’s amber eyes, getting as close as possible, yet the cat doesn’t, move, she doesn’t even blink! What the hell is this?

If we didn’t know any better, we could swear that this is a taxidermied likeness of a very old and beloved furfriend, captured in all her glory. But a slight movement of the chest can be noticed as she takes shallow, even breaths, while scanning for whatever is behind whoever is filming this gorgeous feline!

It is quite interesting to watch your cat sit frozen like this for a good period of time, but this peculiar behavior stems from their wild days. Even though they are our fat, lazy companions today, in the past they were savage hunters and stalkers, so sitting motionless while their prey was moving out front was the great way to stay silent and scout the situation, before pouncing for the kill. Today they might not be killing more that the insufferable human toe or the rogue finger under a pillow.

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