This Deck ALWAYS Makes Me RAGEQUIT! | Master Duel Masochist #6

1 year ago

#yugioh #masterduel #yugiohmasterduel
Link to Cimoooooooo's channel:

Link to Cimoooooooo's video:

Welcome to Master Duel Masochist! In this series, I start a fresh Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel account with only 10 Master Packs. The only way I'm able to unlock new cards is to win ranked matches. Can we climb to the highest ranks in Master Duel? Let's find out! Also, go check out Cimoooooooo channel for the inspiration!

In this episode, we do our very best to climb our way through Bronze. On our way up, we face some truly infuriating decks along the way. How broken can our opponent's decks be? Is that a Kashtira deck I see? Oh, and another Kashtira deck too? I AM SICK of Kashtira!

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