Overflowing Blessings Coming Your Way! ✨ Apostle John Eckhardt's Message

1 year ago

Apostle John Eckhardt teaches on experiencing overflowing blessings and fullness in October 2023. Learn how God fills and completes His people.

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But I have all and abound, I am full, having received of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you, an odor of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, well pleasing to God.

The Philippians supported Paul's ministry with an offering, which pleased God - it was a sweet smelling sacrifice. When you support a God-ordained ministry, God accepts it.

The words "full" and "abundance" mean no lack, complete. We can be full of God's Spirit, favor, grace, blessing. There should be no lack in our lives.

I pray for fullness to manifest in your life - that you'll have all, abound, and be full. No lack of joy, peace, prosperity, or success. You can be filled with God's power and glory. Let there be no lack or incompleteness.

Experience Philippians 4:18, having all you need, abounding, and being full. This is God's will for you. As you believe and receive it, God will fill you up. You'll be full of His Spirit and favor. There will be completeness in your life.

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