Russian soldier reveals horrific losses in battle against Ukraine

8 months ago

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A Russian soldier has been overheard in a phone call to his wife describing the hellish conditions he and his unit are facing on the front lines, describing horrific losses in failed assaults on Ukrainian positions and a crippling lack of basic supplies, according to Kyiv Post media outlet.
It is noted that, in the intercepted call published by Ukraine's Military Intelligence Directorate, the man describes losing 100 men “in a few days.”
"The assault failed. Everyone was killed," he says.
The soldier’s location is not disclosed but Russia has been suffering extremely heavy losses in its so far failed attempts to take the town of Avdiivka.
The Russian military in fighting around Avdiivka likely suffered its worst combat losses since mid-February, and by some measures suffered one of Moscow’s worst battlefield defeats of the war thus far.
“Everything that we occupied, Ukrainians have already recaptured," the soldier says.
He then goes on to complain that the Russian military command hasn’t delivered food or water to its troops in weeks.
“We haven't had food delivered to us for three weeks. We haven't had food delivered to us for three weeks,” he says.
“Today is already the seventh day since we have been brought water.”
He then says he is so weak that he can no longer wear his heavy bulletproof vest.
“F**k it! I'm already taking off my bulletproof vest, I don't have the strength to wear it. What's the difference, it is senseless. The wounded soldiers are not taken out anyway," he says.
"And the dead are lying in the field, they are not taken away because it is impossible to take them away."
The soldier’s comments echo other reports from Russian sources coming from Avdiivka – last week a Russian volunteer pleaded for followers to donate body bags for Kremlin soldiers assaulting Avdiivka, saying that there’s “a horrible deficit.”
Ukrainian soldiers defending the frontline city of Avdiivka are bracing for a new "massive attack," after Russian forces threw their might at it earlier this month but failed to break though. - click here and support Kanal13 monthly for distributing more videos and independent journalism &
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Tags: Ukriane, Russia, Putin, Putler, Russian invasion of Ukraine, Zelenski, Kiev, Kyiv, Kadirov army, Kadirov, Kherson, Bucha, Kharkiv, Ukrainian pilots, vagners, Russian tanks, NATO, drones, Moscow, Kreml, war victims Ukraina,

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