This Week At The Bridge 21 Oct 23 - "The Pope Said What ??..." Education, Guardians SA, UNDRIP & WHO

8 months ago

This week Tine and Kim celebrate the success of the 'NO' Vote - we name and shame Mirani High School and read out a year 10 assignment, Tine talks about Guardian SA and reads out a letter from a student. Kim lets us know about UNDRIP and what it is about and also speaks on the WHO Treaty.

Each week we will bring you these videos from the Bridge. Please be aware that laws are being put through Parliament without your knowledge or consent restricting your freedoms. It isn't over and things are not back to normal. We are educating the public on smart cities, 15 minute neighbourhoods, medical laws, state of emergency laws, 5G, jab injuries and the list goes on and on. Also at our weekly bridge get-togethers we offer hope as we have some really great solutions in the pipeline - come along and be part of our Community, we welcome you all and welcome your assistance.

You may be awake, but sitting at home and hoping for the best or relying on someone else to fix it for you - doesn't work. We need our community to come together and make our voices heard. Kind regards 'Mackay Freedom Community'.

Here we bring you Interview Videos with members of the Worldwide Rally for Freedom Community Group. Getting our message out to a greater audience. From our little town of Mackay, we shout it out loud. Let the small communities speak out for the world to hear - thats how we all get heard and how the world comes together to fight the darkness. Join in the fight and have your voice heard.

You may be awake, but sitting at home and hoping for the best or relying on someone else to fix it for you - doesn't work. We need our community to come together and make our voices heard. Kind regards 'Mackay Freedom Community'.

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