Episode 1582: Understanding "The Mass of All Ages"

1 year ago

"Lex orandi, lex credendi"
"The law of praying is the law of believing"

Yesterday as you know was the feast day of St John Cantius (my parish) and the Canons of SJC had a solemn high mass in his honor.

A Traditional Catholic Solemn High Mass is a form of liturgical worship in the Roman Catholic tradition that is celebrated with a level of ceremonial splendor and solemnity. It is one of the highest forms of the Roman Rite liturgy.

A Traditional Catholic Solemn High Mass:

Roles of the Celebrants:

Celebrant (Priest): The celebrant is the main priest who presides over the Mass.
Deacon: The deacon is the minister who assists the priest. He has specific roles during the Mass, such as chanting the Gospel and assisting with the chalice.
Subdeacon: The subdeacon is another minister who assists the celebrant. His role includes chanting the Epistle and assisting with various other aspects of the Mass.

The celebrant, deacon, and subdeacon wear specific liturgical vestments, including chasubles, dalmatics, and tunics.

Incense is used during various parts of the Mass, symbolizing the prayers of the faithful rising up to God.

The Mass is often sung in Gregorian Chant or other traditional forms of liturgical music. This includes the Ordinary (unchanging parts of the Mass like the Kyrie, Gloria, etc.) and the Proper (texts that vary depending on the liturgical day).

Ceremonies and Processions:
There are specific processions and gestures, such as the procession of the ministers, the Gospel procession, and the Offertory procession.
Liturgical Language:

Traditional Latin Masses are celebrated in Latin, with some parts in the vernacular. The use of Latin is a distinguishing feature of the Traditional Mass.

Elevation of the Host and Chalice:
During the consecration, the celebrant elevates the consecrated Host and Chalice for the adoration of the faithful.

Communion is often received kneeling at a Communion rail and on the tongue. The Precious Blood (consecrated wine) may be received from the chalice.

Silent Canon:
The central portion of the Mass, including the consecration, is said quietly by the priest.

Altar Rail:
Traditional Catholic churches that celebrate the Solemn High Mass often have an altar rail, which separates the sanctuary from the nave, where the congregation sits.

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