I got to drive the 1931 Ford MAFFI bus "Huff & Puff" for Model A Day 2022 at The Gilmore Auto Museum

2 years ago

Spent the day at The Gilmore museum in Hickory Corners, Michigan for Model A Day! At one point, the bus driver went on break and there were no passengers, so MAFCA President Jay McCord and I decided to take the MAFFI bus for a spin. When we got back, there was a line of people waiting to ride the bus who got on and the bus driver was still missing, so..... I jumped in and stole a loaded bus! I ended up driving 5 or 6 tour groups before the bus driver took it back over. When they were doing the main program under the tent, I was out doing a tour and everyone was wondering where I was! Ha ha! OOPS!

Moral of the story- Don't leave the keys in your Model A if I'm around, I can't be trusted apparently.

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