Dying is Perfectly Safe: Ancient 'Books of the Dead'/Science of Near-Death Experiences

1 year ago

Dying is Perfectly Safe: Ancient 'Books of the Dead'/Science of Near-Death Experiences
Premiered 4 hours ago
Library of the Untold
The most mystifying enigma of all time might not be as mysterious as we have been led to believe. Comparing several ancient books of death leads us to a common theme that cannot be ignored but... indeed, is. It seems as though the concept of death has transformed from a mood of liberation to a psychological operation of control through fear.
When Ram Dass spoke the words, "We're all just walking each other home." he was certainly thinking on a higher vibration than what we have been taught in the west. The similarities of ALL near-death experiences (NDE) can no longer be explained away by science as "random firings of neurons in the brain". Random firings would lead to random experiences. These things, like all things, are not random. We are breaking ground, everyday closer and closer to the inevitable fact that Mind transcends all matter. We have been tricked into thinking that Mind is just something that the brain "does". The truth is staggeringly opposite to that notion.
We should celebrate being alive and soak it up for everything that it is worth and has to offer us. But, at the same time, we should also look forward eagerly to the day in which all paradoxes and riddles will be solved for us. This channel is based heavily on the concept of the black cube. Ever since our first video approached half a million views, it seems as though conspiracies are now rampant on the internet concerning this symbol as a soul recycler.
I am boldly here to tell you today that this is not at all the case, and much like flat earth conspiracy theories, is just a mix up that happens when we mistake allegory for being literal truth. Instead of having trepidation over the idea of dying, we should celebrate the opportunity to take what we have learned here with us into the next adventure that, of course, only moves us up and foreword. There is no hell, and with righteousness and a guilt free heart, we will find heaven waiting for us.
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