WAKE UP 9/11 - "The Facts about Israel and the descendants of the Khazars" - October 21 2023

1 year ago

In this video I explain what is really going on and who these so called Israelites really are. I present a video by Jeff Rense that exposes how Rabbis think and believe they have the right to murder every man woman and child who are Palestinian. I revoke this by citing the 10 commandments given to Moses, "Thou shall not kill, and thou shall not steal." I talk about the media and how it is owned and controlled by Zionists. I lay shame at the doorstep of world leaders who stand with Israel and any indoctrinated fools that believe Israel has the right to commit genocide. At last I talk about World War III and the battles the United States are about to embark on. Finally I talk about America being the Alamo, the last bastion for humanity. For if America falls the world is doomed. WE MUST COME TOGETHER AS ONE to stand up against the NEW WORLD ORDER that plans to enslave us all. There is no time left. - James Easton, October 21 2023

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