There is always someone who will judge. But remain obedient. Read description

8 months ago

Matthew 7:1 tells us not to judge unless we be judged. Judgment has to be rooted out of us all. We all must keep growing in this area and only judge the way God wants us to.

No matter your calling or who you're called to witness to, there's always someone whose default mode is judgment. Rather than seeing the heart or the intention, they find the aspect they view as negative and pick at the words, actions, or posts.

If you find you're in the wrong, repent and learn from it. But if you're not, don't allow this to cause you to stumble in what Christ has called you to do/speak what you need to speak.

Often, the intentions are pure, even with those who are adamantly disagreeing with you. Keep that in mind as well. Some will talk with you. You'll either agree to disagree or insight will be gained in that. All the same, some will go to the extreme of distancing themselves from you because of the disagreement. If they walk away, let them go. Pray for them. Don't get angry or judge them. Love them. Either there is something in them or it's a ploy of Satan to cause problems. The main point is to ensure the enemy doesn't win or get a foothold in your life or calling.

Christ let the disciples know about the persecution they would face. That goes for all of us who are called to do His work and who submit their lives to him. Rejection is included, even from those we love.

#god #jesusislord #relationshipadvice #love #truth #nottodaysatan #loveoneanother

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