MUST WATCH! UFO Sighting Over Jasper, TX

7 months ago

Nash with SabineRelics here guys and gals! For basically a decade, I've been documenting my Native American artifact recoveries, beautiful nature as well as just a few random activities I do from time to time. I've always enjoyed sharing my finds, nature and all of the experiences I have in my life. I've produced some amazing videos with historical finds in a lot of cases.


October 17th, 2023 though, well, let's just say it changed the way I'll look at the world forever.

About 5:45 a.m. or so I had to use the restroom I got up to bed went to the restroom and then decided to take the trash out. This is not my routine whatsoever but it's just how I decided to start the day. I took the garbage out to the road and when I turned around to go back in the house there was something in the sky that caught my. At first I thought it was a star but quickly realized it was definitely in our atmosphere. I thought well maybe it's a drone or weather balloon. But there was no sound and there was some colors coming off of it. At this point I am just completely confused. then it started doing some things that I've never seen before. I immediately took out my camera put it up to the sky started filming and that was the very second my life changed.

As I'm watching this object in the sky, it is pulsating from big to small There's lights on the side of it and it just begins to morph into something else. It morphs into this bright ball and then it pulsates continuously for a while and then looks like it just blows up and then turns into a red glowing triangle. I am stunned. I'm outside at 6:00 a.m. by pure dumb happenstance watching and filming what I believe to be a UFO.

As I continue filming the UFO it starts a slow roll maneuver. It rolled over twice. And I'm still filming this and I'm so captivated by it I'm still in disbelief! Out of the corner of my left eye I see what I initially thought was an airplane. In my head I was thinking wow I wonder what they are seeing! As I'm watching this "airplane" It stops in midair. And then as I see that, another one underneath it comes up and stops under it. So now I'm really just even more disbelief. But on the right side of the UFO craft, another two objects (we were calling them gnats) because they were so small yet they were bright but we couldn't pick them up on camera. Those two crafts come up on the right side of the main UFO that I was filming and just stop in mid air too.

When this happened the main craft that I was filming acted differently. There were different colors there was a different rhythm of pulsations it was like It was in some sort of sequence or communication with all the other crafts around it.

For an hour and 2 minutes I filmed as much as I could. Right towards the end of filming a US Air Force jet comes out of nowhere towards the bottom left of the craft. Moments later, another US Air Force jet is seen towards the top of the craft. The craft responds by going backwards and vertical straight back towards space. But it didn't completely leave. I ran in the house to get something I came back outside and there was a third US Air Force jet on the bottom right hand side of where the aircraft was and the aircraft started going a little bit faster towards its back and vertical. My phone was at 1% and would no longer record. After I recorded the third jet the UFO was almost out of sight.

I know there's going to be people who comment on here who are are going to try to disprove what I saw. I am all ears to hear anybody's legitimate thoughts. But please be respectful and please don't ridicule me. If you can respectfully prove me wrong I welcome it. I even say on the video several times that I basically want to understand what I'm looking at. I checked the FAA flight plans there was nothing that should have been there. If that was a drone, and it wasn't, it would have had to register with the FAA and there was nothing in the area like that. I checked to see if it was a weather balloon, it was not. And it definitely was not a helicopter. There was no sound plus the last time I checked helicopters didn't do what this UFO did in this video.

Other than the video and what I saw with my own two eyes One of the main things that makes me feel like this was a legitimate UFO was the military. There were the three US Air Force jets that showed up right where it was at and the object left when that happened. Shortly after the object was completely gone Air Force jets were flying all over Jasper Texas. I've seen Air Force Jets fly in our area before. So that's not necessarily anything out of the ordinary. But three US Air Force jets showing up right at Dawn and making a triangle around this object and then it leaves? There's something to that. And the volume of jets in the area afterwards seems to correlate with what happened earlier.

Anyway ladies and gentlemen, I urge you to watch this and let me know what you think. please like it, share and subscribe to us!

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