CNN Fake ISIS News Exposed!! (CIA Illuminati Mind Control) PART 1 - ProConstitutioner

1 year ago

Published on Aug 27, 2014
***There is no part 2 available at this time. I can't even find any record of it ever existing so I don't know if it's got a different title or what, but if you know anything about it or have it, please upload it or point me in the right direction to retrieve it. Also though... I don't know if you are aware of this, but they don't wear black ninja suits in the middle of the desert.***

The illuminati controlled ISIS, and fake news is making up crap in order to give Obama more power in the name of fighting "terrorism" & establish their global government. MSNBC, FOX news, all MSM is in on this psy-op mind control warfare. Until I get a new laptop I can't make any videos of my own on these important issues, and believe me when I say I have much to expose!! Until then I'm suck using other peoples videos to get the word out. Still some good material nontheless. More brainwashing America videos on the way as well. For proof the CIA runs the news watch my video "satans illuminati super computer & mass surveillance program exposed."

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