ALICE COOPER --Dead Babies

1 year ago

I don't know folks. I really don't.
$35-T in debt and people in stores still pull out a yellow pen to make sure a $20 Bill is legit, as if paper Fed notes are valuable. Then you rush home to eat fake food and watch fake news and get a real headache.
I reckon we are not supposed to notice anything odd about the swirling funnel cloud of horseshit rushing down the road in front of the house on a daily basis, or the tidal waves from unnatural rain or forest fires that melt vehicle, but leave trees alone.
So the next thing to do is to block me on a technicality on this platform to put me in a box, or just flat out shadow ban or keep my freedom of speech and expression in a box with the hope that no one gets the opportunity to say "Gee Whiz! I'm not alone after all."
It's not a loneliness thing. They just dislike 10 or more of us to agree.
Oh Look! The news is on!

Don't forget to pick a side! Gotta root for somebody.


I will now post this to Bitchute which is a bit shite, to confirm my suspicions as to reash and views,
Fake Platform here.

You're Probably Wondering Why I'm here, And so am I, so am I!

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