Brave Man Pulls Yet Another Snake From His Elderly Neighbor's Toilet

6 years ago

Out of all the creepy stuff that might happen in someone’s bathroom, finding a snake where you do your peaceful business every morning has to be near the top! A man from Lattimore in North Carolina manage to pull of a 6 foot black rat snake from his neighbor’s toilet!

The video Mike Greene posted of him pulling the serpent out on his Facebook on August 17 has generated nearly 5.8 million views and 15,000 shares. But it was no novelty for the kind gentleman.

“That’s number 6 that I have removed from the same toilet in 4 years,” Greene said on Facebook.

Mike is shown reaching with his hand in the toilet water to grab the snake’s tail, then slowly starts pulling it out of the bowl. “Wow, how ‘bout that,” Greene’s neighbor whispers to him. “Boy, you got a lot of nerve. Look how big he is, Mike. I told you he was big.”

As the snake relaxes every now and then, Mike pulls it out further. At one point, it seems the creepy crawler is stuck inside, but a few gentle tugs gets the serpent out in one piece and dripping toilet water on the bathroom floor.

When his neighbor asks Greene what he’s going to do with the snake, Greene replies: “I’ll take him and turn him loose somewhere.” He told Charlotte TV station WCNC that his neighbor lives alone, is in “very good health, very good shape, but he don’t do snakes.”

We need more men like Mike Green in this world!

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