Pastor Reacts to John MacArthur 03 | "Jesus died for all who died..."

1 year ago

John MacArthur believes wholeheartedly in the doctrines of TULIP, and this video in particular address the issue of limited atonement. !!! These videos are not intended to degrade the man, but we fully believe the doctrines he teaches are not in accordance with the scripture !!!


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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.

(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)
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one died for all now stop there there it
is you say there it is he died for all
okay that's what it says I admit but who
is the all I mean the New Testament also
says that all thought John the Baptist
was a prophet does that mean everybody
on the planet no okay let's stop this is
almost like when you're arguing with a
young child and and they make a
statement and you go okay that's enough
but this part right here it's like
obviously the all was contextualized in
in John all those who who heard him were
who who were around him okay so that's
an inclusive group of all when the Bible
says for God so loved the world that
means everybody in the
world hello and welcome back to Bible
line I'm your host Pastor Jesse Martinez
and today we are doing another Pastor
reacts video it is of your boy JM so
affectionately called John MacArthur
this was sent to me by a very good
friend of mine he came across this and
it is John MacArthur trying to explain
the limited atonement using 2
Corinthians CH 5: 14 and 15 we do need
to chat for a little bit about what
limited atonement is it is a calvinistic
Doctrine it is the third letter in tulip
total depravity unconditional election
limited atonement irresistible Grace and
perseverance of the Saints this limited
atonement Doctrine States and this is
directly from Calvin's teaching that the
death of Jesus Christ his shed blood was
only for those who would believe okay so
limited atonement is exactly as it
sounds it limits the atoning work of
Jesus Christ the word atonement means a
covering and it was Illustrated in the
Old Testament especially esecially on
yum kapor where the high priest would go
in and make three sacrifices blood
sacrifices that would atone for the sins
of the people the sins of the high
priest himself and the sins of the
Tabernacle and that would have to be
done year after year the Bible says that
Jesus Christ died once for all that
those who are believed they're they're
perfected forever the Bible also says in
1 John 2:2 that his death was the
perpetuation for our sins our according
to the context there in 1 John 2 are
those who have already believed he is a
perpetuation for the believer's sins but
not for ours Believers only but for the
sins of all the world so we know we know
and it's uh this is one of the highly
debated issues in
Calvinism that when the Bible says all
it means all now John MacArthur is going
to try and squeeze this in here but even
in this Facebook reel by the way full
disclosure I know it's not the whole
sermon uh this is a clip that was sent
to me so we're reacting to the clip he
very I I think in a very difficult way
he tries to explain limited atonement
okay he tries to fit it into this word
all and you're going to see that the
calvinist tries to redefine the word all
uh but it's very difficult to do that
when there's a lot of clear passages
that say that Jesus uh that yeah that
Jesus died for the sins of all the world
whether that person believes or not uh
their sins have been paid so then you're
thinking well what sends a person to
hell what sends a person to hell is that
they reject that payment Romans 4 talks
about imputation or the other word
that's translated there is counted
reckoned but it means you know put to
and when a person believes the
righteousness of God is put to their
account so when a person dies the sad
sad truth is they reject the full
payment for their sin that's already
there Jesus didn't just die for those
who would believe uh he died for
and and that's what we're going to see
here so but let's let's see what John
McArthur says in this video shall we one
died for all I'll stop there there it is
you say there it is he died for all okay
and that's the video thanks for coming
in today no I'm just kidding he says he
says yeah it says all but that's not
what it means let's
continue I think this was a mistake by
the way when he made that point because
it very clearly says all uh but he's
going to have a hard time trying to
explain it away I think you'll see that
that's what it says I admit but who is
the all I mean the New Testament also
says that all thought John the Baptist
was a prophet does that mean everybody
on the planet no okay let's stop this is
almost like when you're arguing with a
young child and and they make a
statement and you go okay that's enough
but this part right here it's like
obviously the all was contextualized in
in John all those who who heard him were
who who were around him okay so that's
an inclusive group of all when the Bible
says for God so loved the world that
means everybody in the world when it
says not for our sins only but for the
sins of the whole world that defines all
and when we see here in 2 Corinthians
5:14 the all is defined I'm going to let
him explain and then we'll get to the
scripture don't forget to like comment
and share this video to make sure that
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because we make a lot of different posts
and I don't want you to miss anything
and if you have a Bible question or a
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it's a question I try to get back to you
as soon as possible and we do answer
questions on the show too let's get back
to today's topic anytime all is used
there is a point of reference all of a
people okay that that's true if that's
what the context says but in John 316 it
says all is you know the world okay and
we can see in 1 John 2:2 all also being
the sins of the whole
world that fit into a certain category
which then is defined for us one died
for all therefore all died H so he died
for all who died no okay so that's where
we have to stop because that's where
he's able to twist this into his view of
limited atonement what does this mean
look at your Bibles that's always a
great thing to do look at your Bibles 2
5:14 For the Love of Christ constrain us
who's the US Paul's talking about the
apostles who are going out and they are
winning people to Christ and anybody
who's going and doing that message okay
so this this about believers who are
going and sharing the gospel message
he's saying the love of Christ
constraineth or motivates us why because
we thus judge and he judges this as a
conclusion of the death of Jesus Christ
and who it was for that if one died for
all then we all dead okay John MacArthur
you can see this if we were to pull up
the video you can see the way this reel
was done they put text there and it says
hm so he died for all who died no no no
it's not for all who died it says that
if one died for all then were all dead
okay he he's only describing the
condition of all dead what could this
mean how does the love of Christ play
into this the love of Christ is that he
gave himself for us so what this is
saying is for we thus judge that if one
died and Jesus did die if he died for
all for God so loved the world that he
gave his only begotten son and not for
ours only but for the sins of the whole
world okay if he died for all then we're
all dead meaning his one death was
sufficient for everybody's death he died
the death of everybody now that doesn't
mean that everybody's saved but it very
clearly means that his one death is
sufficient for everybody's death this is
the beauty we do not have to pay for our
own sin his payment has been accepted
but he very clearly just a little twist
and he says hm so he died for all who
no no no no no and that's how tricky it
is it's one little it's it's that quick
to change the meaning of a whole thing
the Bible goes on to say in verse 15 and
that he died for all he repeats it again
because he did die for all that they
which live okay what does it mean by
Live Well the just shall live by what
faith in him
that they which live should not
henceforth live unto themselves but unto
him which died for them and rose again
this is a call to discipleship Paul's
saying this is why I live for the gospel
because Jesus Christ died for everybody
nobody has to die in their sins because
he's died for all of them and because of
that I as I'm speaking as Paul here that
they which live should not henceforth
live unto themselves Paul's saying I'm
not going to live for my own desires my
own will I want to live for God cuz he
died to pay for everybody's sins mine
included and he's living by faith in
Jesus Christ where does he say that
Galatians Chapter 2 this is my wife's
favorite verse Galatians Chapter 2 and
verse 20 I am crucified with Christ
nevertheless I live yet not I but Christ
liveth in me and the life which I now
live in the flesh I live by the faith of
the Son of God who loved me and gave
himself for me Paul is doing what he is
doing because he has put his trust in
Jesus Christ and he knows who he has
in MacArthur says 2 Corinthians 5:
14-5 they categorize the all but let's
continue with what he says here and then
verse 15 and again he died for all who
so that they this is the all who live
might no longer live for themselves but
for him who died and rose again on their
behalf oh so he died died for all and
who are the all that he died for all who
died in him no I you just you can't get
that from there he died for everybody
not just the ones who are in him the
ones who are in him are those who have
believed on Jesus Christ now as we saw
in Galatians 5:20 they have a Cho excuse
me uh Galatians 2:20 we have a choice to
live for the Lord and we should because
of his death for us Philippians chapter
3 and verse 9 and be found in him not
having mine own righteousness which is
of the law but that which is through the
Faith of Christ the righteousness which
is of god by faith that I may know him
and the power of his resurrection and
the fellowship of his sufferings being
made conformable unto his death so
what's Paul saying here I'm found in him
because of my faith in Jesus Christ what
is MacArthur saying well Jesus only died
for those who would believe but that's
not what the passage is addressing here
the passage is addressing as to why the
love of Christ is motivating Paul and
those who have believed why it should
motivate us into service okay 1 John
Chapter 2 and verse two and he is the
propitiation for our sins and not for
ours only but also for the sins of the
whole world that would have to say but
also for the sins of those who are in
him but it already said that in the
first part he is the propitiation for
our sins those who have already believed
not not for ours Believers only but also
for the sins of the whole
world when I got this real you know when
I was watching this I thought this can't
be for real total pun intended but I
thought this this can't be a legitimate
defense of this this passage because
it's just not what's being addressed so
let's see what he says in his conclusion
here and he died for all and who are the
all that he died for all who live in him
and and it was for them that he died and
rose again on their behalf there is the
specificity of the atonement there is
the actuality of the atonement there is
the particularity of the Redemption of
Christ he died for all the all being all
who died in him he died for all all
being those who live in him remember
Romans 6 that we are buried in his death
and we rise in his
resurrection okay so I mean we don't
have time to get into Romans 6 but you
go read roman six it has nothing to do
with specifying the atonement it has
everything to do with living in the
truth that our our the penalty of sin
has been paid therefore we do not have
to be a slave to the power of sin for
all who died in him he died for all who
rise in him he died and that's that's
the video I don't know much else to say
about this but to beware beware when
people try to limit what God has already
defined God says he he loved the whole
world he gave Jesus for the sake of the
whole world those who die die not
because they have to pay for their sin
they die because they have not accepted
the Sim payment which was in Jesus
Christ which is received by belief I'm
going to leave you with Romans 4 I know
you know it but man let's read it
because it's good but to him that
worketh not but believeth on him that
justifieth the ungodly his faith is
counted for righteousness that Greek
word counted is the same word that is
used for impute it means put to when you
believe you receive the righteousness of
God your sin is paid you know how like
scary it is to live in a reality where
you don't know if God died for
you you hear that God is love that there
is no darkness in him there's only light
yet there's a possibility that he
doesn't love you
I have a daughter and if I was a
calvinist I could not look my daughter
in the eye and say God loves you CU I
don't know what if he
doesn't what kind of life is that what
kind of God is that it's not one of the
Bible the atonement is not
limited if you're listening today and
you think that God has left you and he's
just forsaken you and never died for you
I want you to the Biblical word is
repent and that means to change your
mind to believe on Jesus
Christ it's that simple but this
poisonous calvinist doctrine of limited
atonement is exactly what I said
poisonous and it's wicked if you have a
question send it to us questions at
biand I pray this video
has been a blessing to you send us your
videos and we'll react to them and I do
want to say we're getting a lot I'm
getting a lot of good feedback which is
which is good all right until next time
keep looking up Jesus Christ is coming
soon take care and God bless if you
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