Special Privilege | We should all be Equal

1 year ago

#economics #statism #equality

People are not treated equally. Some have special privilege. Everyone is treated equally under capitalism. Few have special privilege under statism. Legislation is put into place preventing the more industrious from out competing the less industrious. The masses are harmed. The few are better off at the expense of the masses. Many consider it’s ignorant to support capitalism. However, it’s the supporters of statism that are the unwitting pawns.

The god-state claims to know what you want better than you. The false prophets claim to know what’s good for you and what you really need. Humans are soulless automatons under statism. Each individual is free to choose how to act within the system of division of labor. The consumers and entrepreneurs should choose what is to be produced. No human is omniscient. What they chose must be different and enforced by coercion.

Read More: https://mrdevinney.com/special-privilege/

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