"Confessions of a Dangerous Mind" (2002) Directed by George Clooney #charliekaufman #georgeclooney

1 year ago

"...and the beginning of my cinematic love affair with Sam Rockwell".

The second brief hotel scene starts again with Penny outside Chuck’s hotel room but quickly dissolves into the room and a scene of utter filth and degradation, of upturned furniture and destruction. Quick cuts move into a zoom on Chuck, sitting with his back to the door, still naked and markedly bloodied and bruised. All the while, Chuck narrates the letter he sent Penny

“Dear Penny, This is just a note to say I’m sorry. For all of it. You were the best part of my life and I couldn’t see it. I’m not asking for another chance. Just for your forgiveness. Love Chuck”.

As the narration ends we dissolve into quick and obscure cuts of Chuck now looking more positive and determined as he cuts his hair and shaves completely, ahead of a meeting with an old friend outside of the cocoon of his hotel room and the third and final brief scene sees a fresher faced and happier Chuck narrate a melancholic ending to the manuscript for his book as he speaks aloud

“My name is Charles Hersch Barris. I have written pop songs. I have been a TV producer. I am responsible for polluting the airwaves with mind numbing puerile entertainment. In addition, I have murdered 33 human beings”.

The above paragraphs are taken from my original spoiler free review of "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind" many years ago and which was originally transferred to my Medium blog site on 11th December 2022 and which can now be read in full and for free (please also consider subscribing for free too!) via my Substack blog site and original article linked immediately below:


This spoiler free review is also an integral part of volume 1 of my "essential film reviews collection". Each volume is priced at £4.99 via e-book but all 7 volumes can be read for free should you have an Amazon Kindle "Unlimited" package:

Volume 1


All 7 Volume Series



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