
8 months ago

The Dark Side of Vaccines

Did you know that vaccines, despite their touted benefits, have a dark side?

Let's delve into some unsettling facts.

Bill Gates is generously handing out billions and billions of dollars worth of vaccines

although whitewashed by the U.S. government (and scrubbed on most internet sites) it is very clear that autism is directly linked to thimerosal

The main source of ethylmercury is thimerosal.

The toxicity of ethylmercury is well studied. Like methylmercury, ethylmercury distributes to all body tissues, crossing the blood-brain barrier and the placental barrier, and ethylmercury also moves freely throughout the body.

Autism is directly related to thimerosal, a compound almost 50% mercury by weight, found in vaccines.

Concerns based on extrapolations of the effect of methylmercury caused thimerosal to be removed from the U.S. childhood vaccines in 1999, but it remains in use in all multi-dose vaccines and flu shots (though many single-use vaccines without thimerosal are available).

This neurotoxin is present in higher quantities in vaccines distributed in Africa, Asia, and South America.

The World Health Organization was convicted by the Philippines' Supreme Court for involuntarily sterilizing over 3 million Filipino women through a so-called tetanus vaccine.

A World Health Organization document from 1985 reveals a hidden agenda behind the smallpox eradication program.

The real purpose?

To render many women infertile in Black Africa, aiming to "eliminate 150 million excess sub-Saharan Africans."

The myth of overpopulation is a creation of the Rockefellers, used as an excuse to eliminate "excess" human beings.

The document by Henry Kissinger suggests depopulation should begin in the third world.

Maybe you're okay with someone tampering with your DNA without your permission.

600% if you have five consecutive flu shots during your life. Maybe it's okay for you to take a flu shot and increase your chances of Alzheimer's Disease by

If you're an awake, alert human being, it's not okay.

We need to take care of our bodies and the body politic.

The Natural Solutions Foundation understands that there are personal, national, and international choices to be made.

The pharmaceutical industry, the most profitable industry on the planet, is more profitable than war and oil combined.

Fukushima Nuclear Plant.
The plant suffered major damage from the magnitude 9.0 earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11, 2011. The chain of events caused radiation leaks and permanently damaged several of its American-designed reactors, making them impossible to restart.

In 2018, the height of the plant’s radioactive water storage tanks became a concern as they were reaching their capacity limit. The Japanese government decided to release the treated radioactive wastewater into the sea

The plant is now offline and the reactors are defunct, but they still need to be cooled, which is why wastewater continues to accumulate. In the years since the accident, groundwater has also filtered into the site, and some of it has become contaminated as well. So they will continue for decades emptying contaminated water into the sea.

How High the drinking water levels are of
How High the green leafy vegetable contamination with plutonium and uranium
and cesium-137 which by the way attacks heart muscle and a host of other radioactive isotopes
Fukushima Daiichi is a disaster of more than biblical proportion

more than one generation will be contaminated with nuclear fallout from the waters of Japan dumped into our oceans.

We're being attacked, and if we don't all come together and act, what hope do we have?

It's not important what you do or even how you do it.

What's important is that you do something, anything. Understanding what is happening is the first step.

the end minutemen

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