This Conceited Penguin Is Obsessed With His Own Reflection

7 years ago

This penguin from the Colchester Zoo in England seems to be in love with his own reflection. See how he walks back and forth looking at his face in the mirror with utter curiosity. He even tries to talk to it and shares kisses. Meet Narcissus the penguin.

In Greek mythology, Narcissus was a hunter who was known for his beauty. He was proud, in that he disdained those who loved him. When Narcissus came to a pool where he saw his own reflection in the water, he instantly fell in love with himself, not realizing that it was merely an image. Unable to leave the beauty of his reflection, Narcissus lost his will to live and stared at his reflection until he died. Narcissus is the origin of the term narcissism, a fixation with oneself and one's physical appearance or public perception.

The same applies for Narcissus the penguin who is deeply obsessed with his own reflection in the mirror, ignoring everything that is going on around him.

First he walks up and down the mirror, gazing at his own reflection and trying to outrun it. Then he stops and stares at it, and finally tries to make a conversation. He flaunts with his appearance by raising his neck and making loud noises. He is so full of himself, the real king of the zoo.

Have you ever fell in love with your own reflection when walking in front of a mirror?

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