Beasts, Freaks, and Monsters - Across The Multiverse

11 months ago

Hello fellow Traveler and welcome to the Hard Light Network!

Abominations, Beasts, Freaks, Monsters.

Savage creatures in all shapes and forms populate the most remote worlds and scavenge at the fringes of both the human mind and our society alike. Whether it be beasts of unspeakable terror prowling the remote wilderness, or manmade abominations, the results of vile experimentation prowling the abandoned outskirts of civilization monsters of every shape and size can be found across the multiverse. Creatures beyond our ability, but rarely beyond our understanding, monsters of all sorts represent the very real threat posed by the wild and our primal fear of it. The standing accomplishment of civilization is its conquest over nature, however everywhere we turn the brutal reality of our environment makes itself known. For as far a humanity has come, nature remains eternally opposed to our efforts to tame it. It is no wonder then that the impenetrable depths of the wilderness would birth great and terrible horrors. However, it isn't just the beast without that civilized man fears, but the beast within as well.

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