Grant Stinchfield: We are grateful to Mr. Miles Guo and fellow fighters of the NFSC

8 months ago

10/19/2023 【Nicole on Grant Stinchfield Show @stinchfield1776】Nicole: Americans’ retirement savings have been funneled to the CCP by Vanguard and Wall Street banks, and were unwittingly used to fund Hamas. Americans should urge their elected officials to stop this; Grant Stinchfield: We are grateful to Mr. Miles Guo and fellow fighters of the New Federal State of China who risked their lives to send us this information. Without the intel, I don't think we'd see Congress even taking the small steps that they're taking now!
#Vanguard #WallStreet #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
10/19/2023 【妮可做客 Grant Stinchfield Show节目】妮可:美国人的退休金被先锋集团和华尔街银行投给了中共,在不知不觉间资助了哈马斯。美国人应该敦促他们的民选官员去制止这样的事;格兰特·斯廷奇菲尔德:感谢郭文贵先生和新中国联邦的战友冒着生命危险提供的情报,否则国会连现在的一点点行动都不会有!
#先锋集团#华尔街#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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