Woke mob TRIGGERED + Games w viewers!

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Join me to discuss the triggered woke mob. Get some games of Melee. And discuss MM4! Mana Monthly 4 for Super Smash Bros Melee!

7pm EST on Friday November 3rd. Region locked to North America.

This event is open for everyone. We do not discriminate against anyone based on their: age, sex, gender, profession, religion, personal beliefs, local/regional ban statuses, accusations without due process, etc. This is quite plainly for EVERYONE, the first fully inclusive online series in the current melee era.

If you support this creed, please consider donating to the pot bonus in link below, and be active in the discord for the day of slippi matchmaking. If you seek entry in the event, please reach out via Twitter or Discord.

Matcherino link to donate to the pot bonus:

Challonge bracket:

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