Plants vs Zombies 2 - Penny's Pursuit - Seedium Plant Showcase - Blockoli - Oct 2023

8 months ago

Blockoli seeds were offered from October 18, 2023 through October 25, 2023.

Blockoli is a member of the Reinforce-Mint family.
Blockoli costs 150 Sun. (-25 Sun at levels 2, 5, and 10.)
Blockoli can absorb 6,000 damage. (+1,000 per level.)
When a zombie gets close, Blockoli will slam its florets together, stunning all zombies in a 3x3 area.
Zombies affected by florets will be stunned for 3 seconds. (+1 second at levels 2, 4, 7 and 10.)
Zombies struck by florets will take 95 damage. (+10, 20 or 30 damage as levels increase.)
Florets can be used every 13 seconds. (-1 second at levels 2, 4, 7 and 10.)
When given plant food, Blockoli gains two shields absorbing 8,000 damage. (+4,000 damage at levels every even level.)
Blockoli is immune to Fisherman Zombie's hook.
Blockoli is immune to Excavator's toss.

Normally the Reinforce-Mint plants are all defensive. As such, all such plants are speed bumps. They buy time for the player to set up their defenses. But this comes with a cost - there will be more zombies when these plants are eaten up.

Blockoli is a different type of plant. Blockoli adds some offensive firepower. Blockoli has a nice level of hit points. Immunity from being tossed is good for the beach levels.

Bottom Line:
Get this plant. Level up this plant. Defensive plants generally are not high on anyone's list but this one pulls it weight.

Level 1 - Difficulty 🌶️🌶️🌶️ - Bonus 1 of 2
Survive the zombie attack - Vasebreaker Style
Chosen Perk is Crop Duster - Drops a Chili Bean
Iceblock Zombies 3 / 5 / 6 times
There are precious flowers on the lawn which can not be trampled - not offered / 1 & 2 / 2 & 3

Level 2 - Difficulty 🌶️🌶️🌶️ - Bonus 2 of 2
Survive the zombie attack.
Chosen Perk is Boost Tile - Plant Power up when planted on.
Spend no more than 2,000 / 1,500 / 1,000 Sun
Never have more than not offered / 15 / 12 plants

Level 3 - Difficulty 🌶️🌶️🌶️ - Bonus 1 of 2
Survive for 3 minutes.
Chosen Perk is Knock Back
Score to beat: 2,000,000 / 3,000,000 / 4,000,000
Destroy not offered / 15 / 20 Gravestones
Conveyor belt. Chili Bean works well. Cactus near the front as they can't be killed.
Need more firepower

Level 4 - Difficulty 🌶️🌶️🌶️ - Bonus 0 of 2
Survive the zombie attack.
Chosen Perk is SHIELDS
Defeat 1 / 2 / 3 Gargantuars
Plant food Hypnoshrooms not offered / 3 / 5 times
Starting Sun = 2,200 / 2,000 / 1,750

Level 5 - Difficulty 🌶️🌶️🌶️ - Bonus 1 of 2
Survive the zombie attack.
Chosen Perk is
Electrify zombies 80 / 90 / 100 times.
Never have more than not offered / 15 / 12 plants

00:00 Level 1 - Difficulty 3
06:16 Level 2 - Difficulty 3
08:33 Level 3 - Difficulty 3
10:31 Level 4 - Difficulty 3
12:29 Level 5 - Difficulty 3

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