2 Insane Stories From Japanese Mythology #shorts

8 months ago

2 Insane Stories From Japanese Mythology #shorts
#insane #stories #japanese #mythology

Susanoo was the storm god and one of the most powerful deities in Japanese mythology. He was also a bit of a jerk.
One day, Susanoo got into a fight with his sister, the sun goddess Amaterasu. He was so angry that he destroyed her rice fields and threw a dead horse into her temple. Amaterasu was so disgusted that she hid in a cave, plunging the world into darkness.

Izanagi and Izanami:
Izanagi and Izanami were the first gods and goddesses of Japanese mythology. They were tasked with creating the world, which they did by standing on a floating bridge and stirring the ocean with a spear. The droplets of water that fell from the spear formed the islands of Japan.
One day, Izanami died while giving birth to the fire god Kagutsuchi. Izanagi was so grief-stricken that he beheaded Kagutsuchi. The blood from Kagutsuchi's body created many new gods and goddesses, but it also burned Izanami's body beyond repair.

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