Michigan looks at enhancing penalties for attacking police, firefighters

6 years ago

A trio of bills set to be debated by the Michigan legislatures is set to change the rules, and increase penalties for anyone who attacks a first-responder on the job. House Bills 4580, 4590 an 4591 aim to set a felony penalty for anyone who attacks a law enforcement official while on the job. The move comes amid increased tensions between the public and police — the House Republican Caucus citing statistics from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund that 93 police officers have been killed in 2017 as of mid-September. “It’s something that we talk about, something that we have to keep in mind when we train,” said Milford Police Chief Thomas Lindberg. Chief Lindberg is one of three police chiefs expected to travel to Lansing on Tuesday morning to testify before the House Law and Justice Committee.

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